The "Ski Region Simulator" contains plenty of features and possibilities:
In the career mode you enter a unique and large winter landscape and experience the workaday life in the swiss alps in a completely adapted and freely accessible world.
Through several activities you build up financial resources allowing you to buy better equipment. Thanks to the cooperation and official license of Kässbohrer you take control of authentic Pistenbully snow groomers.
If the variety of machinery does not meet your needs, you can download plenty of vehicles, equipment and other modifications from the Internet. Because of the improved mod system you are able to install the new content easily and automatically.

- Career mode with large economic system
- Official license of Pistenbully and many other vehicles
- Lots of missions, events and extensions guarantee long-term entertainment
- Wiele misji, zadan i samouczków pozwalajacych poznac tajniki prowadzenia gospodarstwa rolnego
- Day and night cycle with weather changes
- Cykl nocy i dnia oraz zmienne warunki pogodowe
- Includes Mod SDK (contains Editor, Exporters and Sample Mods)
- Obsluga gamepada oraz kierownicy
Wymagania Systemowe Windows Version (*)
- Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista lub Windows 7
- 2.0 GHz Intel lub odpowiedni procesor AMD
- Nvidia Geforce 6800, ATI Radeon X850, S3 Chrome 430 GT lub lepsza karta grafiki (min. 256 MB RAM)
- 1 GB RAM
- 1 GB wolnego miejsca na dysku twardym
- Karta dzwiekowa